We as a people are a bunch of sorry humans. Think about it. How many times in a given day does ”I’m sorry,” dribble out of your mouth?
I’m not talking about serious things like genuinely expressing empathy for others misfortunes or regret for saying or doing something out of pocket.
No. I’m raising the wind-whipped flag up the pole about innocuous things; always being so eager to play nice and taking one for the team. Even if there isn’t a team around.
Guilt prone. Apologizing without merit. Ad nauseum. Without logic. Inherently programmed. Maybe it’s a gender thing, since I was a kid. I rarely hear this concern from men. Being rude was frowned upon in our family, kindness was preached and good manners were instilled. But somewhere along the way it blossomed into a pool of ridiculousness. I was sorry for everything. LOL!!
This phrase became well worn and meaningless. Well, the wires have been disconnected. I am sick of it. I did my own non-scientific case study recently. To check myself and to observe others. It was revealing and pretty pathetic.
I no longer feel the need to apologize for the following public situations…
In a grocery store aisle and a rogue shopper who wasn’t looking where SHE was going, hits my cart. This is not my fault. I am holding my sorry for something more deserving.
Going through Dunkin Donuts drive through; cashier recklessly hands me my change and some of it falls to the ground. SHE wasn’t paying attention. This is not my fault. My sorry will not be spread out like jam on toast.
On a work-related phone call, conversation drops in a dead zone. I am not responsible for cell phone tower locations. This is not my fault. Blame technology or Mother Nature.
I am not sorry for breathing. For living. For taking up space on the planet.
I am sorry for not treating myself better and apologizing for non-sense.
I am “not sorry” for taking a “break” from being
“THAT PERSON” who goes that extra mile for people who just “LET ME”!
I am not sorry to say
Thanks Viv!
This was good therapy !