When was the last time? You felt good about yourself. Not okay. But, good? Even, great?
When was the last time? You acknowledged an accomplishment or achievement without downplaying it?
When was the last time? You looked at yourself in the mirror and didn’t turn away?
When was the last time? You received a compliment without disputing it?
When was the last time? You ate a meal without choking it down your throat?
When was the last time? You took a stroll and admired nature or did some form of exercise?
When was the last time? You bought a new bra instead of wearing the one with bungee cord straps?
When was the last time? You stopped making excuses because you are too old, too fat, too tired?
When was the last time? You stopped and realized that you are a unique human being created to do great things.
When was the last time? You just DID IT?
I love these brief pep talks! Great reminder to just do it and do while loving myself! Thanks 😊
Thanks, Catherine, for reading and enjoying.
Thank you for the “ when was the last times” questions!! It truly gave me pause. Their are quite a few things I need to work on for myself. Thanks sis♥️