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My Heart Bleeds Chocolate Not Just On Valentine’s Day
As many folks celebrate Valentine’s Day gifting sentimental cards, flowers, balloons and cheesy plush bears; I want to pay homage to the unassuming cocoa bean, my unconditional, little friend—the love of my life. CHOCOLATE!! Tearing into a box of candy brings me immense pleasure. I’m […]
Let Loose: How Being Spontaneous Can Make You Feel Alive
It’s easy to get into a rut. A dark space that is suffocating and makes you feel ho-hum. An effortless smile surfaces as often as a blood orange moon. Structure directs most of our lives. We have become addicted to planning and micromanaging every minute. […]
Grow A Backbone: 3 Reasons Why Saying NO Feels SO Good!
It’s time to ask yourself some brutal questions. Let’s be honest and stop walking on eggshells. Are you a people pleaser, to a fault? You know. That fake person that does a lot of smiling and pretending, but, is really pissed, deep-down? This has the […]
Speechless: Why Are So Many Women Allergic To Complimenting Each Other?
It started off a beautiful Sunday afternoon; brunch with my girlfriend, Candace, at a quaint tea house in Seymour, CT called, “Tea With Tracy.” You know. One of those places where your blood pressure drops as soon as you walk in. Cozy, relaxed and unpretentious; […]
Cheap Bling: Little Things That Add Joy
Yes. We know. “Life is short.” It’s depressing and inevitable. And, plastered all over mugs and memes to keep us on our toes! So, what are we doing with the time we have? Well……. I, have deliberately, chosen to live my life inappropriately. Yes!! Inappropriately! Until, […]
20 Things I Would Tell My 20-Year-Old Self
42 years ago. And, 40 pounds ago. Fresh and carefree, Viv Lilly, on a boat ride in the middle of a lake somewhere near Detroit. Time zooms by; before you know it you are having hot flashes, drawing on your eyebrows, stuffing your muffin top […]
Buffalo, New York: 6 Reasons My Hometown Still Melts My Heart
It’s beyond a soft spot. Actually, I’m downright giddy. My nostalgia meter is off the rails. Comforting, like a big bowl of warm peach cobbler. And, not just about my boundless love affair with my hometown of Buffalo, New York–affectionately called the Queen City, Nickel […]
Pluviophile: Just Call Me A Rain Dancer
Now, I know! I’m not so weird, after all! Last year, my sister Karla, shared a pic from Facebook that described my fixation perfectly. There’s a fancy name for everything and everybody. I cracked up! I am a…… Pluviophile: A lover of rain. Someone who […]
Go From Couch Potato to Hot Potato: 5 Exercise Hacks To Get Your Mojo Back!
Enough is enough. I’ve wasted immeasurable hours in bed tossing and turning, talking myself out of going. What lame excuse can I make up this time, besides “I’m too tired.” Truth be told, I’d rather scrub the toilet bowl until my knuckles bleed. Procrastination is […]
Mind Matters: Unveiling The Stigma Of Mental Illness
I was as green as a kale infused smoothie. All dressed up in my floral scrub top and crisp white pants, with a box of Tic Tacs in my pocket. I felt rattled. Would I be able to cut it? It was 1998. My first […]